Hi Thomas,

First of all, thanks for the sponsoring offer, i forget to thank you on
the previous response :)

I haven't been able to reproduce the bug, it would be fine to do so
before forwarding it upstream. I've attached a simple test case which
works without problems on sid, could you please review it and let me
know if it works for you?


Federico Gimenez Nieto wrote:
> Hi Thomas, this warning only appears if you require
> 'XML/Unserializer.php' (that is, you are going to  unserialize a xml
> string) and only if you have set your error level to show warnings at
> the output.
> So, it won't make the package unusable for most users, because if an
> user wants to return a xml document it can be done without noticing any
> warning. Hence the severity of the bug shouldn't be 'serious'.
> I'll forward this bug upstream and try to work on a patch by myself.
> Cheers,
> Federico
> Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I simply have a cron job that does:
>> require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';
>> require_once "XML/Unserializer.php";
>> it doesn't even need to call any of the methods of Unserializer.php.
>> When there's a:
>> $myvar =& new [.......]
>> PHP 5.3.x generates a warning even before you start using the file. It
>> does it at parsing time. Just try by yourself in Squeeze / SID, or with
>> any system that is running PHP 5.3, then you'll see it.
>> Can you get in touch with upstream and have them fix it? Will you need
>> sponsoring for this issue, once the package is fixed? Let me know, I'll
>> be available for such help.
>> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Federico Giménez Nieto

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