Hi Thomas, this warning only appears if you require
'XML/Unserializer.php' (that is, you are going to  unserialize a xml
string) and only if you have set your error level to show warnings at
the output.

So, it won't make the package unusable for most users, because if an
user wants to return a xml document it can be done without noticing any
warning. Hence the severity of the bug shouldn't be 'serious'.

I'll forward this bug upstream and try to work on a patch by myself.


Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> I simply have a cron job that does:
> require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';
> require_once "XML/Unserializer.php";
> it doesn't even need to call any of the methods of Unserializer.php.
> When there's a:
> $myvar =& new [.......]
> PHP 5.3.x generates a warning even before you start using the file. It
> does it at parsing time. Just try by yourself in Squeeze / SID, or with
> any system that is running PHP 5.3, then you'll see it.
> Can you get in touch with upstream and have them fix it? Will you need
> sponsoring for this issue, once the package is fixed? Let me know, I'll
> be available for such help.
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Federico Giménez Nieto

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