On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 01:55:55PM -0700, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> >On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:19:55 -0700
> >Quanah Gibson-Mount <qua...@zimbra.com> wrote:

> >>What version was being migrated from (i.e., what version of BDB was
> >>openldap linked against?).  If it was prior to BDB 4.8, then you have to
> >>do a slapcat/slapadd of the database (I assume that's already being
> >>done), but before that, it is critical to completely checkpoint the
> >>database via db_recover (one of the steps taken above).

> >I think this is the key question. Apparently the db-tools cannot handle
> >a migration from <= 4.7 to 4.8 in which case the only reliable way to
> >do this is slapcat/slapadd.

> Correct, it is never possible to use db-tools to upgrade OpenLDAP
> Databases across BDB versions.  The only method is slapcat/slapadd.
> I'd also note that BDB 4.8 versions prior to 4.8.30 are not reliable
> and should be avoided (Not sure what's in debian atm).

Aside from build failures on mips and sparc, which are not relevant here,
db4.8 has been at version 4.8.30 in Debian since before the Debian OpenLDAP
package was switched to use BDB 4.8 (as mentioned in bug #588969, which you
commented on - it's not even possible to run OpenLDAP with earlier 4.8, the
code aborts to prevent it).

The real issue here appears to be that, although the openldap 2.4.23-1
package switched to require db4.8, the version check in the maintainer
scripts was not incremented to match.  I've updated svn so that we get a
proper migration on upgrade to 2.4.23-4.

The only thing I'm lost on is how the submitter managed to upgrade *to*
2.4.23-2 in the first place.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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