[Copying debian-devel, the bug report, and the upstream author of the Perl pip.]
According to Debian Policy 10.1 [*], when two binaries have different functionality but the same name, this should be reported to the debian-devel mailing list. [*] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s10.1 In this case, 'pip' and 'python-pip' both ship /usr/bin/pip, but one is for Perl and one is for Python. The 'python-pip' package has precedence in Debian (and indeed, is the only one in testing), so I propose that the Perl pip package must pick a pseudonym for its program. My first suggestion is 'pip-perl', so that it's still possible to find via tab-completion on 'pip'. Better ideas welcomed, otherwise I'll make the change in a few days. This isn't ideal for having the same name for the Perl pip on all platforms, I know - but until we fix this, there will be a serious bug on 'pip', and it will not be released with Debian. Regards, -- Tim Retout <t...@retout.co.uk>
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