Charles Plessy wrote:
I am contacting you because you reported crashes with Iceweasel. Do you still
have this problem? If yes, are you running an up-to-date Lenny system now or
can you upgrade?
Yes, the latest iceweasel (3.0.3-2) crashes on the Alpha architecture. I am running an up-to-date
Lenny system.
I've CCed this to Bob Tracy since he has done quite a bit of work trying to track down the problem,,
that is reported in the debian-alpha mail list. He may wish to comment further.
Bob compiled vanilla 3.0.3 firefox sources, and I compiled 3.0.3-g1 icecat sources for testing
(mainly because iceweasel was still back at 3.0.1 at the time). These also crash. For me the
symptom is that the browser window opens on the screen and then immediately disappears again with
the crash.
Both Bob and I got working versions of firefox and icecat, respectively, with a static link of the
xul stuff, using --no-relax in the link stage, and disabling optimisation. The following messages
from debian-alpha mail list discussion are the most relevant.
Can you save the output of the command 'dpkg -l' on your system, send it to me
(in private if you want to preserve your privacy), and tell me if you installed
third-party software?
Yes, I have quite a lot of self-compiled software, mainly multimedia stuff, installed in /usr/local
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]