Svante Signell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> And that, together with removing jadetex, solved your problems, although
>> the message from color.sty (No driver specified), correct?
> I first made the installs mentioned above on another box not having
> jadetex installed. Later I did the same on the one with jadetex after
> removal of jadetex and docbook-utils: "dpkg -r jadetex docbook-utils"
> After that I hold the texlive-base-bin package. No luck with the
> texlive-base or texlive-base-bin version 2007-8 on either boxes. Have
> not tried with 2007-9 versions. Should they work?

All texlive versions should work as soon as the conffiles are present -
in other words, in case the buggy tetex-base has been purged, as soon as
the list of texlive packages mentioned earlier has been installed with

Do I understand correctly that upgrading to the latest texlive packages
in sid still doesn't work on your system?  This means that either some
conffiles are still missing, or that there is yet an other bug.

If upgrading really still fails, can you please send the error message
and the temporary file, if applicable?

> After this I successfullly reinstalled jadetex (3.13-8) and
> docbook-utils (0.6.14-1), but removing them in the first place does not
> seem necessary, since version 3.13-8 is dated May 2.

What do you infer from the date of jadetex?

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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