On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 10:32:22AM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Sep 12, Horms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm reopening this becase I have this problem and I suspect that
> > many others do too. It manifets in at least two ways on my system,
> > firstly /dev/null is mode 600, and secondly, I can't log into
> > X as a non-root user, though I was unable to determine exactly why.
> > 
> > Adding the symlinc from /etc/udev/permissions.rules to
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules resolves the problem.  Perhaps
> It's not so much complex. permissions.rules sets the permissions, and if
> you do not use it you will get the default (which is 660, not 600).
> Thi configuration file has been introduced with udev 0.056-2, so the
> symlink is created either in preinst when upgrading from an udev release
> lt 0.056-2 or in postinst at the time of the first install (unless the
> script detectes an existing configuration).
> So, either you deleted the symlink yourself or installed the package
> with debris existing in /etc/udev/rules.d/ or the preinst upgrade code
> is buggy (but it looks simple enough to me). Which one?

I would say that the buggy option is likely.
How should we test this?


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