On 12/20/2010 09:00 AM, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010, +12:20:22 EET (UTC +0200),
> Jamie Zawinski <j...@jwz.org> pressed some keys:
>>> I really was running that screenhack called biof.
>> I've never heard of this, what is it?
> Here is text from its settings-dialog:
> ---- Clip here ----
> This is an attempt to recreate some of the work of William Latham.
> Take a look at the program 'organic art' at this site
> (http://www.artworks.co.uk).
> Written by Ronald Hordijk <hk at dgmr.nl>. Ported to Linux by Tugrul
> Galatali - <http://rss-glx.sourceforge.net/>.
> ---- Clip here ----
> That screenhack obviously belongs to Debian-package called rss-glx .

Please, separate hacks from xscreensaver-gl of rss-glx. If you found
bugs on XScreenSaver Debian-distribution then please fill them here. If
not please fill a bug against rss-glx.

Jose Luis Rivas - GPG (old/new): 0xCACAB118 / 0x7C4DF50D
San Cristóbal, Venezuela - http://ghostbar.ath.cx/
Debian Project Developer - http://debian.org/

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