Here's the final patch I've committed.

=== modified file 'usr/share/laptop-mode-tools/modules/wireless-iwl-power'
--- usr/share/laptop-mode-tools/modules/wireless-iwl-power      2009-09-18 
05:26:58 +0000
+++ usr/share/laptop-mode-tools/modules/wireless-iwl-power      2009-09-19 
07:41:49 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,16 @@
                                 log "VERBOSE" "$DEVICE doesn't seem to be 
enabled. Radio Switched off?";
+                else
+                        # LP: #369113
+                        # Kernel's 2.6.29 and above have been reported to be 
+                        # the $DEVICE/wireless folder.
+                        dev=`basename $DEVICE`
+                        ret=`$IWCONFIG $dev >/dev/null 2>&1`;
+                        if [ "$ret" = "0" ]; then
+                               # add the interface name to the list
+                               WIFI_IFNAMES="$WIFI_IFNAMES ${DEVICE##*/}"
+                        fi

On Saturday 19 Sep 2009 13:10:15 Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> Hello Darren,
> On Saturday 19 Sep 2009 04:28:40 Darren Hoo wrote:
> > > Again, on my box with ipw2200 device, 2.6.30 still presents the
> > > wireless folder.
> >
> > with my 3945ABG card, 2.6.30 does not have this folder either.
> > Isn't there  a better way to check whether it is a wireless card?
> >
> > Also I want to know  how does wireless card power saving work?
> > I know that I can set the signal power of the card using iwconfig like
> > # iwconfig wlan0 txpower 10
> >
> > but changing /sys/class/net/*/device/power_level  does not change
> > the tx-power that iwconfig reports.
> >
> > does this power_level have anything to do with that txpower?
> > will reducing txpower by iwconfig  help power saving at all?
> Following is what I had done for the wireless-ipw-power module
> # LP: #369113
>                                 # Kernel's 2.6.29 and above have been
>  reported to be missing
>                                 # the $DEVICE/wireless folder.
>                                 dev=`basename $DEVICE`
>                                 ret=`$IWCONFIG $dev >/dev/null 2>&1`;
>                                 if [ "$ret" = "0" ]; then
>                                         # add the interface name to the
>                                 fi
> Perhaps, the same should be done for iwlwifi cards also. What we do here is
> just run iwconfig on the device. If it is not a wireless device, it would
>  give you a bad exit status. That is what we are relying upon.
> I'll do the same for iwl-power module also.
> I'm not sure about the power saving. Wild guess is that if you know what
>  your workload is (eg. server with a wireless card), you can power tune
>  your device.
> Ritesh

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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