Hello Darren,

On Saturday 19 Sep 2009 04:28:40 Darren Hoo wrote:
> > Again, on my box with ipw2200 device, 2.6.30 still presents the wireless
> > folder.
> with my 3945ABG card, 2.6.30 does not have this folder either.
> Isn't there  a better way to check whether it is a wireless card?
> Also I want to know  how does wireless card power saving work?
> I know that I can set the signal power of the card using iwconfig like
> # iwconfig wlan0 txpower 10
> but changing /sys/class/net/*/device/power_level  does not change
> the tx-power that iwconfig reports.
> does this power_level have anything to do with that txpower?
> will reducing txpower by iwconfig  help power saving at all?

Following is what I had done for the wireless-ipw-power module

# LP: #369113
                                # Kernel's 2.6.29 and above have been reported 
to be missing
                                # the $DEVICE/wireless folder.
                                dev=`basename $DEVICE`
                                ret=`$IWCONFIG $dev >/dev/null 2>&1`;
                                if [ "$ret" = "0" ]; then
                                        # add the interface name to the list

Perhaps, the same should be done for iwlwifi cards also. What we do here is 
just run iwconfig on the device. If it is not a wireless device, it would give 
you a bad exit status. That is what we are relying upon.

I'll do the same for iwl-power module also.

I'm not sure about the power saving. Wild guess is that if you know what your 
workload is (eg. server with a wireless card), you can power tune your device.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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