package python-coverage
tags 456497 + moreinfo

On 16-Dec-2007, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> it would be great instead of 
> /home/yoh/deb/gits/pymvpa/mvpa/algorithms/datameasure         12     10 83%   
> 47, 76
> be
> /home/yoh/deb/gits/pymvpa/mvpa/algorithms/ !  """
> /home/yoh/deb/gits/pymvpa/mvpa/algorithms/ !  raise 
> NotImplementedError
> that would allow
> 1. assess what we 'missed'
> 2. rapid browsing through such points when the
>    output is in compilation-minor-mode

Thank you for this feature request.

I'm not familiar with Emacs compilation-mode; I've just now read
That shows how to use the feature, but doesn't give any reference for
how this format is specified.

To generate this output from ‘python-coverage’, we should first know
exactly what the compilation mode is expecting to see. Can you point
to a formal description of this format?

 \       Eccles: “I just saw the Earth through the clouds!”  Lew: “Did |
  `\      it look round?”  Eccles: “Yes, but I don't think it saw me.” |
_o__)                            —The Goon Show, _Wings Over Dagenham_ |
Ben Finney <>

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