package debian-maintainers
severity 488770 normal

On 05-Jul-2008, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 05-Jul-2008, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 07:46:05PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> > >Can we please update the system so that the valid userid
> > >'', which matches the Maintainer field, 
> > >is accepted and recognised?
> > 
> > That will take some time for a Debian ftpmaster to fix.
> Okay. Against what should I file a bug report so that this can be
> addressed properly, i.e. to get the correct address automatically in
> the first place?

I have upgraded the severity of this bug report, since it is an
ongoing problem not amenable to a one-time fix (see below). It could
perhaps be re-assigned to a different package, but I don't know what
package it belongs to.

On 06-May-2009, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 05-May-2009, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> > We don't do automatic updates from the keyservers as it may
> > invalidate changes like your change to have a specific key uid as
> > the primary uid.
> Ah, I'd forgotten that Debian required a specific key to be generated
> for this purpose. I'd done that on the understanding that it was a
> one-time kludge just to get things working. Now you seem to be saying
> it needs to happen every time a subkey expires.
> So this seems like an ideal time to ask: how do we get that bug fixed?
> I should be able to rely on Debian getting the same key information as
> anyone else does, from the public key servers, and having my choice of
> user ID in my messages.

What is the correct solution to this bug?

I don't know what are the ongoing effects of my key in the
‘debian-maintainers’ keyring having expired, but the solution is not
to have the key owner endlessly generating special keys only for this
one package every time the key is updated.

Instead, I should be able to send my updated key *as is* to the
keyring, and have it accepted and processed correctly. How can this be
achieved? Aníbal suggests this will need effort from ftpmasters, but I
don't know what needs to be done or what package the bug should be

 \        “Ubi dubium, ibi libertas.” (“Where there is doubt, there is |
  `\                                                        freedom.”) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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