Il giorno sab, 07/03/2009 alle 08.40 -0600, Dirk Eddelbuettel ha
> Pietro,
> Thanks for the bug report.

Thank you both for the prompt answer!

> On 7 March 2009 at 12:24, Pietro Battiston wrote:
> | R Commander is used as a graphical interface to R, which means a
> | graphical application, and as such should be listed somewhere in the
> | Applications menu.
> | 
> | This can be obtained by just adding to the package the following two
> | files:
> | 
> | /usr/bin/rcmdr :
> | 
> | ------------------- 8< -------------------------
> | #!/bin/sh
> | 
> | ------------------- 8< -------------------------
> Can you provide a manual page too, please, as every program in /usr/bin needs
> one under Debian Policy.

Sure, I forgot.

> Alternatively, we plave the 'rcmdr' script in /usr/lib/R/site-library/Rcmdr
> which may be a better location anyway, and adapt the desktop file:

Well, as you prefer. I can certainly create a man page, obviously very
small, almost a debianized
        <<this is R with graphics, see "man R" for more info>>
, but this raises another problem to me: maybe I should also enchance
slightly the rcmdr script so that it forwards command line arguments to
R. Any reason against that reasoning? I ask because I'm really not an R
expert, but still I don't think this would break anything.

That said, I'd prefer rcmdr to be in /usr/bin, because as I said it's
useful even by itself as a script. But if upstream thinks it is useful
but it doesn't comply with installation mode, I think it can be put
in /usr/lib/R/site-library/ and just linked from /usr/bin (and I'd still
write a man page).

> | /usr/share/applications/rcmdr.desktop : 
> | 
> | ------------------- 8< -------------------------
> | [Desktop Entry]
> | Categories=Education;Science;Math;
> | Comment=Graphical interface to the R environment for statistical
> | computing
> | Comment[fr]=Environnement graphique pour le logiciel de calcul
> | statistique R
> | Comment[it]=Interfaccia grafica per l'ambiente di calcolo statistico R
> | Exec=/usr/bin/rcmdr
> | Icon=/usr/share/R/doc/html/logo.jpg
> | Name=R Commander
> | Terminal=true
> | Type=Application
> | X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false
> | 
> | ------------------- 8< -------------------------
> | 
> | 
> | Please notice that:
> | - I would have preferred to not put R Commander under "Education", since
> | this is quite reductive. However, I'm afraid this is inevitable (see for
> | instance [0]).
> I don't follow, and I don't see why a bugreport is relevant. Debian
> has its own hierarchies.  For R, I use an (older-style) menu file with
>       section="Applications/Science/Data Analysis"    
> Aren't the menu and desktop entries derived the same way?

Well, as far as I know, GNOME and KDE (and hopefully all major
environments) refer to
, where "Science" is not a main category... though it could be soon or

Are sure your other menu file is "older-style" and not "Debian style"?
Since for example Ubuntu doesn't have (by default) the Debian menu, I'd
like to comply to the freedesktop standard... (or did I misundestand

> | - I'm filing the bug here, I frankly ignore if upstream is interested in
> | this kind of desktop issues; the maintainer has probably better
> | knowledge than me. Anyway, the patch has almost no maintenance cost,
> | since it doesn't touch upstream code.
> That's a pretty narrow view. The desktop file is not distro-specific, so it
> should go upstream.



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