On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 10:24:59PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
> Now, for something relevant, do you really want me to get started with
> crash reports ?

It seems I should have read the bug backlog...

Le mardi 03 juin 2008 à 12:04 -0300, Otavio Salvador a écrit :
> > Cool, are you finally willing to drop iceweasel from the
> > gnome-desktop
> > task then?
> I'd say to drop epiphany. Iceweasel/Firefox are the expected ones.

The GNOME browser *is* Epiphany. Epiphany has its own user experience, and
is different from Firefox. And it's even going to be even more different
than Firefox in lenny+1, since Epiphany is definetely switching to
webkit, as well as most (all?) gnome applications currently using gecko.

This means that while Epiphany and Iceweasel are 99.9% the same today
and in Lenny, they won't in Lenny+1. It is *not* a good idea to not have
epiphany as the gnome browser in Lenny.


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