On Thursday 04 January 2007 10:53, Janusz Krzysztofik wrote:
> While booting Windows from grub, makeactive directive has changed the
> active partition back to Windows and Windows has started up without
> problems. I am not able to reproduce the bug.

Yes, reading your message again I understand now that you meant that 
the "boot" flag had changed from hda1 (Windows) to hda2 (Linux) and not 
that the partition type of the first partition changed as I thought 
first. That really would have been serious!

Changing the boot flag does not affect booting Windows for me either. Grub 
boots perfectly wherever the flag is set and both my own Windows XP and 
Debian boot fine from grub as well. I also see the flag being changed 
back, though it may well be the chain loading code of grub that does 
that, and not Windows itself. Not sure though.

Thanks for giving this a try though.


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