On Thursday 04 January 2007 02:55, Janusz Krzysztofik wrote:
> I am just now in the process of reproducing the bug under qemu, usning
> netboot mini.iso daily build dated 2007-01-03. Up to now I have found
> that after guided partitioning of the remaining free disk space, the
> installer changes the active partition from Windows to Linux. This will
> for sure prevent Windows from starting if not corrected later.

That looks like a valuable data point.

Can you provide a /var/log/partman log for that (gzipped!)?
You can probably use the "Save debug logs" menu option to get that file to 
your regular machine.

I've tried doing the same with a FAT partition as first partition, but I 
cannot reproduce any problems with that: the FAT partition remains FAT.
Please, if possible, keep your setup for further debugging.


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