Package: nvidia-kernel-source
Version: 1.0.9625-2
Severity: important

The paths are incorrect in the build rules when trying to apply the debian
patches to the source code before building the nvidia-kernel module with
make-kpkg.  Also, the patches are not reversing properly when the rules cleans
up.  The attached patch fixes both problems.

Best Regards.
--- nvidia/debian.binary/rules.orig	2006-10-22 03:29:34.000000000 -0700
+++ nvidia/debian.binary/rules	2006-10-31 04:25:59.000000000 -0800
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@
 	     cd .. ; \
-	if test -d $(CURDIR)/patches; \
+	if test -d $(CURDIR)/debian/patches; \
         then \
 	        pwd; \
 	        ls -al; \
-                cd $(dirname)/usr/src/nv; \
-                for i in $(CURDIR)/patches/*; \
-		    do patch -p3 <$$i; \
+                cd $(dirname); \
+                for i in $(CURDIR)/debian/patches/*; \
+		    do patch -p3 -t <$$i; \
                 done; \

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