
Am Montag, 3. März 2025, 15:21 schrieb intrigeri:
> Bo YU (2025-03-03):
> > On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 6:53 PM intrigeri wrote:
> >> Do you want to submit your patch upstream
> >> (https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/) or should I?
> > 
> > In general, I should forward the patch to upstream. But here I am
> > not
> > sure if this makes sense or not because this is just increasing the
> > timeout on special architecture. [...]

> If possible, I'd rather not carry this as a Debian-only patch for too
> long, so please consider submitting this patch upstream, else I'll
> do it.

Yes, please submit it upstream.

I'd even drop the "if risc64" condition and increase the timeout for all 

In case you wonder: the timeout is basically meant as a safety net to 
avoid a "hangs forever" case (but not for performance checks).
The initial timeouts were based on "works for me/on my laptop", and 
we've since increased the timeout for several tests in test-logprof.py 
so that it has enough time to finish on all architectures.
So if another test needs an increased timeout, no problem ;-)


Christian Boltz
<tampakrap> okay I will take the risk!
<tampakrap> challenge accepted!
* cboltz prepares the "told you so" sign
<tampakrap> HA!
<tampakrap> second challenge accepted
[from #opensuse-admin]

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