
Bo YU (2025-03-03):
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 6:53 PM intrigeri <intrig...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Do you want to submit your patch upstream
>> (https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/) or should I?
> In general, I should forward the patch to upstream. But here I am not
> sure if this makes sense or not because this is just increasing the
> timeout on special architecture. From my memory, for example, Ubuntu
> does not run tests on riscv64 at all or other distros are running
> these test cases on one more fast riscv64 hardware on vendor kernel.
> At the current stage we have to use Unmatched boards which have full
> upstream support as our buildd machines but faster riscv64 hardware is
> on the way also. I would like to listen to your suggestions on how to
> do it.:)

If possible, I'd rather not carry this as a Debian-only patch for too
long, so please consider submitting this patch upstream, else I'll
do it.

>> > Unfortunately, it was failed to build again during python3.13, this
>> > may block something.
>> I'm afraid I did not understand this sentence. Could you please rephrase?
> Ah, sorry here I mean:
> s/python3.13/python3.13 rebuild
> The Debian Python Team and Release team are rebuilding packages with
> python3.13 only, so the missing of the binNMU for riscv64 may be one
> blocker from RT's view IIUC.

Got it, thanks. Indeed, this may be an extra reason to fix this ASAP :)


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