The bug still persists in Debian testing as of 23.2.2025

On Mon, 4 Oct 2021 13:42:19 +0100 Simon McVittie <>
> Control: reassign -1 gnome-shell,nextcloud-desktop
> Control: found -1 nextcloud-desktop/3.0.1-3
> Control: tags -1 + unreproducible moreinfo
> On Tue, 19 Jan 2021 at 18:15:29 +0100, Sandro Knauß wrote:
> > This sounds not like the fault of nextcloud-desktop and I cannot
reproduce it 
> > under a KDE environment. that's why lowering the severity and
forward to 
> > gnome-shell.
> I tried installing nextcloud-desktop and connecting it to the test
> instance offered by <>, and I couldn't
> this in a GNOME environment either. The original report could have
> a gnome-shell bug, or a nextcloud-desktop bug - we don't really have
> any evidence either way - so I'm assigning this to both.
> Does this still happen in an up-to-date testing/unstable
> or in an up-to-date installation of Debian 11 'bullseye'?
> If yes, which gnome-shell version?
> If you create a new temporary user account on the same system (so
> the new user does not have any special configuration), can you
> the problem with <> as the new user? If so,
> please explain how?
> Thanks,
>     smcv

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