On Sat, Jan 07, 2023 at 05:40:04PM +0100, Lorenzo wrote:
> About the list of TODO in #923450;

It looks like you've done a great job of fulfilling these requirements.
I hope we can see this resolved quickly now for new users!

> > * It should be possible to configure the init system to provide a
> >  getty
> >  on a serial console, for testability on headless servers and VMs,
> >  and it should be documented how to do this.
> >  (systemd makes this very convenient, by starting a getty on the
> >  kernel
> >  console by default, and I would encourage this approach. sysvinit is
> >  less convenient here, but does at least have a relatively well-known
> >  way to enable a getty on a serial console.)
> The getty-run package also provides a getty-ttyS0 service that is
> disabled by default.
> TODO: - document how to enable the getty on a serial console or 
>       - enable it by default

I do not think the serial console should be enabled by default. That is
a recipe for disaster on embedded systems or systems with specialist
uses for the serial port, UPS controls, etc. - in this case I am not
convinced that systemd is setting the best example to follow.

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