Control: found -1 1.0.2-3
Control: tags -1 upstream fixed-upstream

On 2025-01-15 09:09:19 +0100, Francois Mescam wrote:
> I wish you a happy new your.

Thanks. Happy new year.

> To day I do not observe the bug so I think you can close this bug 1024305

On another machine, I upgraded fail2ban from 1.0.2-2 to 1.0.2-3
on 2024-01-04, and I can see the warning in the logs on 2024-04-12.
But that's the last time. I upgraded fail2ban from 1.0.2-3 to
1.1.0-6 on 2024-08-30, then to 1.1.0-7, and with this version,
"fail2ban-client -d" does not output any warning.

So, I suspect that the bug was fixed upstream for 1.1.0.


say that the issue was "fixed" in

which changes the warning level to the debug level.

However, this is still regarded as an error (without consequences).
So, perhaps Debian's default configuration could still be regarded
as incorrect at that time.

However, if I restart the server with "loglevel = DEBUG", I can see
debug messages as expected, but not the one about allowipv6, and

  fail2ban-client -d --loglevel=debug > /dev/null

does not give a debug message either. So I suppose that another issue
has been fixed in the config reader.

I think that the bug can now be closed.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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