I wish you a happy new your.

To day I do not observe the bug so I think you can close this bug 1024305


Francois Mescam

Le 15/01/2025 à 00:36, Vincent Lefevre a écrit :
Control: found -1 1.0.2-2

On 2022-11-17 11:43:19 +0100, Francois Mescam wrote:
Since fail2ban 1.0.2-1 when fail2ban start it write in the log :
Nov 16 18:53:09 eiffel7 fail2ban-server[874403]: 2022-11-16 18:53:09,333 
fail2ban.configreader   [874403]: WARNING 'allowipv6' not defined in 
'Definition'. Using default one: 'auto'
fail2ban-client now gives this warning under bookworm:

joooj:~> fail2ban-client -d > /dev/null
2025-01-15 00:17:05,497 fail2ban.configreader   [71809]: WARNING 'allowipv6' 
not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one: 'auto'

This might be a regression after the upgrade to 12.9 as I don't
remember having seen this warning before (I would have certainly
searched for this bug). What's strange is that the fail2ban package
has not been upgraded. So it may be something else that causes this
warning. Moreover, I do not get this warning under Debian/unstable
(with fail2ban 1.1.0-7), while the fail2ban.conf file is the same.

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