Control: tags -1 -moreinfo
On 27/12/24 16:16, Phil Wyett wrote:
Control: tags -1 -confirmed
Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
2. Lintian [3]: Issue
Lintian should be happy now
3. Licenses [4]: Issue, possible false positives
philwyett@ks-tarkin:~/Development/builder/debian/openmohaa-0.80.0+dfsg$ lrc
en: Versions: recon 3.2 check 3.3.9-1
Parsing Source Tree ....
Reading d/copyright ....
Running licensecheck ....
d/copyright | licensecheck
public-domain | GPL-2 and/or public-domain code/autoupdater/autoupdater.c
RSA-MD5 | NTP code/gamespy/md5c.c
RSA-MD5 | NTP code/gamespy/md5.h
GPL-2+ | Zlib code/qcommon/unzip.h
public-domain | GPL-2 and/or public-domain code/sys/sys_autoupdater.c
RSA-MD4 | NTP code/tools/ommap/common/md4.c
this tool's output is full of false positive.
- I don't know why it guess that all the RSA licenses should be "NTP
license" (whatever "NTP" is in that context, I suppose it has nothing to
do with Network Time Protocol)
- I already argued here that the
autoupdater files are public-domain.
> [...]