On 06-Nov-2024, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> Next time, please don't remove the line:
> include /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos.make
> I use it to do:
> ./debian/rules fetch-upstream-remote
> to fetch latest tag from upstream and generate the tarball.

Understood. I looked for a ‘debian/README.source’ to describe special
quirks like this, but there isn't one, so concluded that only the standard
Debian tools were needed.

> It otherwise looks fine, and I uploaded the resulting package. Thanks for
> your contribution!

Glad to have helped!

 \         Fry: “Take that, poor people!”  Leela: “But Fry, you’re not |
  `\     rich.”  Fry: “No, but I will be someday, and then people like |
_o__)                                  me better watch out!” —Futurama |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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