On 11/5/24 01:48, Ben Finney wrote:
Control: tags -1 + patch

On 08-Sep-2024, Peter Wienemann wrote:
semver3 is out for some time and comes along with some breaking
changes [0]. It would be nice if you could update the package to the
most recent upstream version (3.0.2 at the time of writing).

I have packaged upstream version “3.0.2” in my fork of this package, and
created a merge request:


Hi Ben,

Thanks for this.

Next time, please don't remove the line:
include /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos.make

I use it to do:
./debian/rules fetch-upstream-remote

to fetch latest tag from upstream and generate the tarball.

It otherwise looks fine, and I uploaded the resulting package. Thanks for your contribution!


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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