Severity: normal
Usertags: remove
Control: affects -1 + src:umview

The last release of View-OS was in 2012.
The upstream ( says
  ☹ view-os View-OS is the previous implementation of VUOS. This
            repository also includes lwipv6, a hybrid v4/v6 networking
            stack implemented as a library.
indicating that view-os is expressly obsolete,
and will never be updated.

The popcon is thus:
                       inst=  vote+ old+ recent+ nofiles
  umview               11     5     5    1       0
  libumlib0            116    5     6    1       104
  libumlib-dev         1      0     1    0       0
  umview-mod-umlwip    3      1     2    0       0
  umview-mod-umdevtap  3      1     2    0       0
  umview-mod-viewfs    1      0     1    0       0

Sans the library, this is 5 votes.

The remaining view-os components (fuse-umfuse-{ext2,fat,iso9660})
will be RM RoQAed separately as part of this transition plan,
approved by the Package Salvage Team:
  RM: umview -- RoQA; obsolete, low popcon
  RM: fuse-umfuse-ext2 -- RoQA; dead upstream, low popcon
  + replace with
  RM: umview-mod-umfusefat [amd64 i386 ppc64] -- RoQA; view-os removed
  RM: fuse-umfuse-iso9660 -- RoQA; dead upstream, duplicates fuseiso
  + implement "fuseiso -o fuseopt -o fuseopt iso mtpt" in fuseiso #1083034
    (currently only accepts "fuseiso iso mtpt -o fuseopt -o fuseopt")
    have that provide a transitional package

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