Source: python-lockfile
Version: 1:0.12.2-3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

>From my stats I see that lockfile is the most popular remaining
package that still depends on nose that itselfs depends on 2to3
that will be removed in python 3.13.

Nothing depends on it anymore.

Would you be OK to remove it already now ?

(there's still hope to have 3.13 in Trixie)


> Note: This package is deprecated. It is highly preferred that instead of 
> using this code base
> that instead fasteners or oslo.concurrency is used instead.

python3-stdnum                           347
python3-ipaclient                        370
python3-ipalib                           372
rmlint-gui                               432
rmlint                                   497
freeipa-client                           500
piuparts                                 638
python3-hkdf                             714
python3-sparqlwrapper                    891
python3-tempita                          1346
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libvigraimpex11                          1950
python3-influxdb                         2075
git-buildpackage                         2168
python3-ipython-genutils                 6826
python3-routes                           7355
python3-lockfile                         15915
tchet@quieter:~/nose$ ./

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