severity 1061686 serious
I use Debian 12 with kernel 6.1.0-21-amd64. I installed kmscon 9.0.0-4 and 
tried it out. Well, unicode on some console worked after reboot, but otherwise 
there were too many bugs to even bother filing them. So I uninstalled kmscon 
and rebooted. After that, I no longer found my beloved tty2 through tty6. Upon, 
say, Alt+F2, I saw a blinking cursor but no login shell. Luckily, gdm3 was 
still working, so I managed to log into GUI and run, if my memory doesn't fail 
me, something like `systemctl enable getty@tty2.service` followed by systemctl 
restart getty@tty2.service. Then I rebooted, did the same for 
getty@tty6.service, and rebooted again. Thus I brought my text terminals back 
to life.
Given that the last change in the upstream repository was 2 years ago, the bugs of the kmscon package 
should be repaired in Debian (unless already happened in 9.0.0-5), or the 
package should be removed from Debian altogether. Personally, I consider the 
package version 9.0.0-4 too raw, i.e., useless to the general public. Severity 
raised becuase the bug affects more that 1 person and made parts of my computer 
unusable (namely, whatever I usually do on the tty consoles).

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