Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Wire-desktop is the desktop port of the open source secure messenger "wire" 
(developed primarily by Wire Swiss GmbH).
Wire can be used for chat, file exchange, audio & video calls, conferences with 
screen sharing, etc.
According to their own marketing speech, wire is "the most secure collaboration 
platform" for individuals and companies:
Wire has some advanced features, like temporary messages or chat bots, but 
basically it provides the same functionality as the major popular proprietary 
instant messengers.

Source code (licensed GPL v3, except for the logo) available on GitHub:

Note that the app is useful only in conjunction with an appropriate server. 
Wire Swiss provides a public, free server (free as in free beer). From the DFSG 
point of view, it might not be viable to deliver the software with the Wire 
Swiss GmbH server pre-selected, though, because several legal and technical 
restrictions apply for "third party apps" using their logo and/or server, see

Of course, wire-desktop could be put into non-free entirely. Alternatively, it 
might be advisable to package the server as well ( ) and let the user choose which network 
to connect to: Their own (free) or the Wire Swiss network (restrictions apply, 
the user has to consent).

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