intrigeri <> 于2019年1月5日周六 下午8:45写道:
> Hi,
> Vincas Dargis:
> > intrigeri  what's your take on this? Where should new profiles be
> > "placed"?
> Having the policy live along with the software it confines, i.e.
> in the upstream VCS, is ideal, as long as upstream somewhat cares
> about it and the maintainer of said policy tracks upstream changes
> and updates policy before releases.
> If that's not possible, shipping the policy with the Debian package
> that ships the software is great.
> Maintaining policy elsewhere (e.g. apparmor-profiles-extra) creates
> all kinds of busywork, policy is bound to be outdated from time to
> time, and it's not sustainable on the long run. I see it as
> a temporary stop-gap and not a good long term solution.
> In any case, it's good to have experienced eyes review the policy :)
> > P.S. I know you don't want new profiles for Buster, and I am not
> > really targeting Buster (especially due to GUI-application-confining
> > issues), let's see this as (yet another) long-term personal
> > project :)
> :)
> Cheers,
> --
> intrigeri
OK. Once you're done, just reply to this bug with profile attached.
I'll take care of it in the next release.

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