Vincas Dargis <> 于2019年1月4日周五 上午2:36写道:
> Dear Maintainer,
> I'm happy to see that we now have qTox in Debian! Thanks to Maintainer!
> It would be even cooler to have it confined with AppArmor. qTox
> maintains connections to various untrusted peers over the world, and so
> it is important do reduce attack vector in case of RCE happens, brought
> by some untrusted packet, etc.
> We have some GUI packages on Debian that ship with AppArmor profile
> (like Thunderbird, or LibreOffice, Totem, etc), and I agree that
> experience with them might not be the best yet, as AppArmor really lacks
> some features to make GUI applications "better confinable" without
> making user struggle with denies... So due to that I will *suggest to
> ship this profile disabled by default*, so power users should enable it
> consciously with knowing the risks of having some inconveniences.
> I am interested to prepare AppArmor porfile for qTox by myself, as I use
> this application daily. The idea is to maintain profile, same as with
> Thunderbird, in external apparmor-profiles [0] repository, and sync it
> to Debian package once it is accepted in apparmor-profiles, after it's
> reviewed by AppArmor maintainers and/or contributors.
> [0]

I'd love to see any improvement in program quality. As you're willing
to create the AppArmor profile, I'd like to suggest you to directly
submit your changes to upstream; just open a pr in their github repo .

Directly shipping AppArmor profile within application package is
possible; see the example from another package
. Once the upstream provides a (usable) AppArmor profile, I would be
very happy to include that in the next release.

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