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On 2018-12-03 11:27, Cédric Dufour - Idiap Research Institute wrote:
> Is there a reason the Debian package does not enable this binary as a 
> (sysv+systemd) daemon, along creating the ad-hoc system user (e.g. "nvpd") 
> for it ?

Yes. Nobody has done it so far. :-)
Maybe nobody actually used it until you came around. (I don't use it.)

> If not, could this be looked into (I can provide input based on my own 
> re-packaging of the daemon) ?

Patches welcome! (Or a pull request against the repo on salsa.)
We will probably not "fix" this for stretch (but stretch-backports),
unless someone gets this approved by the release team (but let's have
this in sid first.)

And it should work with both systemd and legacy sysv.


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