Package: nvidia-persistenced
Version: 390.25-1


nVidia made it clear to us that nvidia-persistenced *really* should be running 
on (headless/no X server) CUDA nodes, because it does *more* than just keep the 
driver "up" (in particular, it fixes erroneous outputs from nvidia-smi; e.g. 
wrong GPU perf-state/load/memory accross multi-GPU setups).

I see the current (Stretch) and latest (Unstable) Debian packaging of 
nvidia-persistenced does not enable the binary as a daemon (but merely provides 
example sysv/systemd/upstart scripts, in /usr/share/doc).

Is there a reason the Debian package does not enable this binary as a 
(sysv+systemd) daemon, along creating the ad-hoc system user (e.g. "nvpd") for 
it ?
If not, could this be looked into (I can provide input based on my own 
re-packaging of the daemon) ?

Thanks for your work and best regards,


Cédric Dufour @ Idiap Research Institute

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