What you're asking to us is to support a deprecated feature since 2015, see: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/09/msg00000.html

You should report a bug against the program that doesn't support the desktop file specification.

Best regards,

Le 29/03/2018 à 15:54, Giacomo Boffi a écrit :
ooops, I replied to Alex only and not to the BTS, please find below what I said

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giacomo Boffi <giacomo.bo...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Bug#894357: firefox: no Debian Menu System entry
To: Alex ARNAUD <alexarn...@hypra.fr>

  > What is TWM?

Tab Window Manager (package twm, version 1:1.0.9-1+b1)

  > The bug you mentioned seems related to it.

not at all

  > On Mate, Firefox is available in Application, Internet.

and on Cinnamon, Gnome, LXDE, XFCE etc etc Firefox is available as well.

The Debian Menu System predates and it is indipendent from the XDG menu system
that these desktop environments rely upon, and is supported by most of
the packages
in Debian, e.g., by Google's Chrome

$ dpkg -L google-chrome-stable | grep menu
$ cat /usr/share/menu/google-chrome.menu
   section="Applications/Network/Web Browsing"
   hints="Web browsers"
   title="Google Chrome"

  but not from the Firefox team...

$ dpkg -L firefox | grep menu

all you need is

  1. put the file "firefox.menu" inside "/usr/share/menu", the file's
content should be obvious by comparison with Chrome's
  2. call update-menus in the pre and post install scripts, as specified in



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