Am Sonntag, 4. März 2018, 16:17:27 CET schrieb Norbert Preining:
> Hi
> > On a fresh Debian stretch installation, when trying to process a tex
> > document tlmgr could not be initialized because xzdec was not installed:
> Very unlikely, because tlmgr is not used for processing *any* tex file.
> tlmgr should not be used and I ship it only in Debian in the restricted
> USER MODE (see man page), all system wide actions are prohibited because
> they interfere with the package manager (apt/dpkg) system.
> What kind of tex document did you try to process?

Let's see: I called the RMakeRmd function of the Nvim-R plugin on an R 
markdown document. This vim function calls some R functions that prepare a 
markdown document with embedded tex code. This is then processed by pandoc --
latex-engine pdflatex --output document.tex --template my_template.tex.

This is the reason why I said I tried to processed a tex document - I think 
what happens is that pandoc uses pdflatex internally on some document.tex to 
produce the pdf that is the result of the process. I should also mention that 
I had run

tlmgr init-usertree

presumably because I am using a private tex style from /home/user/texmf. I'll 
happily dig further if you need more details.

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