Please find attached the updated version of the patch.

Now the patch checks for --offline mode and skips the section if this is

The --timeout flag is honored and passed to requests.

The listcc bug is fixed. It turned out that the email_address was a
string and not a list anymore. The extend function works but I changed
it to += like it is used in the rest of the code.

Please advise how an exception should be handled if is not reachable. I clarified the error
message but the sys.exit(1) command is still used. Please let me know if
you have implemented some form of network exception handling already and
how it can be used, although I feel the error message is clear now.



diff -Nru reportbug-7.1.8/bin/reportbug reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/bin/reportbug
--- reportbug-7.1.8/bin/reportbug       2017-12-29 05:25:43.000000000 +0100
+++ reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/bin/reportbug  2018-01-23 20:43:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 import optparse
 import re
 import locale
+import requests
+import json
 import subprocess
 import shlex
 import email
@@ -1926,6 +1928,36 @@
             listcc += ui.get_multiline(
                 'Enter any additional addresses this report should be sent to; 
press ENTER after each address.')
+        # If the bug is reported against a package with a version that
+        # indicates a security update add the security or lts team to CC
+        # after user confirmation
+        is_security_update = False
+        if pkgversion and not self.options.offline:
+            regex = re.compile('(\+|~)deb(\d+)u(\d+)')
+            secversion =
+            if secversion:
+                if ui.yes_no('Do you want to report a regression because of a 
security update? ',
+                             'Yes, please inform the LTS and security teams.',
+                             'No or I am not sure.', True):
+                    is_security_update = True
+                    distnumber = secversion[2]
+                    try:
+                        r = 
+                                    timeout=self.options.timeout)
+                    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
+                        print('Unable to connect to Please try again later.')
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    data = r.json()
+                    support = 'none'
+                    email_address = []
+                    for key, value in data.items():
+                        if distnumber == value['major-version']:
+                            support = value['support']
+                            email_address = value['contact']
+        if is_security_update and support != 'none':
+            listcc += [email_address]
         if severity and rtype:
             severity = debbugs.convert_severity(severity, rtype)
diff -Nru reportbug-7.1.8/debian/changelog reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/debian/changelog
--- reportbug-7.1.8/debian/changelog    2017-12-29 05:25:43.000000000 +0100
+++ reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/debian/changelog       2018-01-23 20:43:14.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+reportbug (7.1.8+nmu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * 
+ -- Markus Koschany <>  Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:43:14 +0100
 reportbug (7.1.8) unstable; urgency=medium
   * reportbug/

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