Am 23.01.2018 um 05:19 schrieb Sandro Tosi:
>> What can we do to get this feature into reportbug?
> * did you update the patch to include the new contact field in
> distribution.json and not hardcode the email address?


> * did you test what happen in offline mode and fix the eventual regression?

I have tested reportbug with

reportbug --offline <package>

and added a try/except block to catch any exceptions that may occur with
Python Requests (timeouts, network errors, etc.). If we reach this point
in our code without a network connection, the program will exit because
we need the information in distributions.json to proceed. Otherwise
everything else works as expected.

> i did a quick check on the number of bugs reported in a week, and over
> the 600+ bugs filed, less than 30 where for a stable release (either
> stretch or previous ones); i think you may also clarify that prompt,
> as i suspect users will get rather confused "how am i supposed to know
> if this is a security update? i just apt-get upgrade the system and
> now this package doesnt work" kind of scenario.

I don't know how I can clarify this prompt at the moment. I have added
it because the security team does not want to be informed of any bug
report against a package with a stable update or security update. The
description of the Y/N choice is quite clear. If you are not sure, press
N. Otherwise just hit the Enter key. Before we can evaluate the
usefulness of this prompt we need some data from experience.

Please find attached the updated version of the patch.


diff -Nru reportbug-7.1.8/bin/reportbug reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/bin/reportbug
--- reportbug-7.1.8/bin/reportbug       2017-12-29 05:25:43.000000000 +0100
+++ reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/bin/reportbug  2018-01-23 20:43:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 import optparse
 import re
 import locale
+import requests
+import json
 import subprocess
 import shlex
 import email
@@ -1926,6 +1928,34 @@
             listcc += ui.get_multiline(
                 'Enter any additional addresses this report should be sent to; 
press ENTER after each address.')
+        # If the bug is reported against a package with a version that
+        # indicates a security update add the security or lts team to CC
+        # after user confirmation
+        is_security_update = False
+        if pkgversion:
+            regex = re.compile('(\+|~)deb(\d+)u(\d+)')
+            secversion =
+            if secversion:
+                if ui.yes_no('Do you want to report a regression because of a 
security update? ',
+                             'Yes, please inform the LTS and security teams.',
+                             'No or I am not sure.', True):
+                    is_security_update = True
+                    distnumber = secversion[2]
+                    try:
+                        r = 
+                    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+                        print (e)
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    data = r.json()
+                    support = 'none'
+                    for key, value in data.items():
+                        if distnumber == value['major-version']:
+                            support = value['support']
+                            email_address = value['contact']
+        if is_security_update and support != 'none':
+            listcc.extend(email_address)
         if severity and rtype:
             severity = debbugs.convert_severity(severity, rtype)
diff -Nru reportbug-7.1.8/debian/changelog reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/debian/changelog
--- reportbug-7.1.8/debian/changelog    2017-12-29 05:25:43.000000000 +0100
+++ reportbug-7.1.8+nmu1/debian/changelog       2018-01-23 20:43:14.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+reportbug (7.1.8+nmu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * 
+ -- Markus Koschany <>  Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:43:14 +0100
 reportbug (7.1.8) unstable; urgency=medium
   * reportbug/

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