Yamane-san, thanks for your email.
> It's very different size, and both contains lot of upstream fonts from > http://arkandis.tuxfamily.org/adffonts.html . It generates several binary > font package, but it's better to do packaging for each font and make > fonts-adf as meta package, IMO. I agree! Having all the fonts in the same source package sounds wrong. > It seems that same binary package (but why upstream tarball size is so > different?) The difference is that the ttf-adf source package contains for each font also Type1, sometimes PFA formats, while the fonts-adf contains OTF and sometimes WOFF. > Anyway, how about reconstruct fonts-adf-* package with individual > source package and fonts-adf meta package? Agreed, but this is up to the maintainer? MIA? All the best Norbert -- PREINING Norbert http://www.preining.info Accelia Inc. + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Developer GPG: 0x860CDC13 fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0 ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13