Hi, On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:11:37 +0900 Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at> wrote: > you are maintaining both ttf-adf-accanthis and fonts-adf-accanthis. > Both are shipping the same files. > fonts-adf-accanthis provides/replaces/conflicts with ttf-adf-accanthis, > but ttf-adf-accanthis is still a normal package with all the fonts. > > This is *not*good*. > > Please provide a transitional packages > ttf-adf-accanthis > which: > - depends on fonts-adf-accanthis > - does not ship any fonts
I've looked into (ttf|fonts)-adf packages. $ ls -al fonts-adf_0.20110505.orig.tar.gz ttf-adf_0.20090423.orig.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 henrich henrich 9294398 10月 20 2016 fonts-adf_0.20110505.orig.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 henrich henrich 15055654 5月 7 2009 ttf-adf_0.20090423.orig.tar.gz It's very different size, and both contains lot of upstream fonts from http://arkandis.tuxfamily.org/adffonts.html . It generates several binary font package, but it's better to do packaging for each font and make fonts-adf as meta package, IMO. > The same goes for all the other (ttf|fonts)-adf-* packages. ttf-adf-accanthis ttf-adf-baskervald ttf-adf-berenis ttf-adf-gillius ttf-adf-ikarius ttf-adf-irianis ttf-adf-libris ttf-adf-mekanus ttf-adf-oldania ttf-adf-romande ttf-adf-switzera ttf-adf-tribun ttf-adf-universalis ttf-adf-verana fonts-adf-accanthis fonts-adf-baskervald fonts-adf-berenis fonts-adf-gillius fonts-adf-ikarius fonts-adf-irianis fonts-adf-libris fonts-adf-mekanus fonts-adf-oldania fonts-adf-romande fonts-adf-switzera fonts-adf-tribun fonts-adf-universalis fonts-adf-verana It seems that same binary package (but why upstream tarball size is so different?) Anyway, how about reconstruct fonts-adf-* package with individual source package and fonts-adf meta package? -- Regards, Hideki Yamane henrich @ debian.or.jp/org http://wiki.debian.org/HidekiYamane