2016-12-24 15:23 GMT+01:00 Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be>:

> On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 02:56:53PM +0100, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> > Hi Kurt,
> >
> > are you still facing this issue?
> > As far as I recall, I've tested 5S not long ago (Jessie + NUT 2.7.4), and
> > everything was fine...
> As far as I know, it works sometimes. It ussually works when
> they're both just up. But I think the 5S gets confused if you ever
> stop nut.
> We also just stopped using the 5S. We've already had 2 of them
> just shut down the power to the server while there was nothing
> wrong with the power and it had power itself. It then indicates
> some internal error. We've replaced them by APCs.
> I have no idea if the above 2 issues are related or not.
Hi Kurt,

thanks for your fast answer.
I've cc'ed myself @work, to push that to the support and validation team,
and check the exact situation.
Sorry for the issues you've encountered, I hope that Eaton will recover
your trust in a soon future.

In the meantime, I wish you a merry Christmas.

Eaton Data Center Automation Solutions - Opensource Leader -
NUT (Network UPS Tools) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr

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