Am 10.12.2016 um 14:15 schrieb Ole Streicher:
> Hi Michael,
> On 10.12.2016 13:18, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> While I have no opninion on whether blend-tasks is important enough to
>> have installed by default,  I would urge to revisit the idea to (mis)use
>> the package priority to achieve that.
> That is the standard way how tasksel gets its menu: tasksel-data is
> marked as "important" and that way it finds its way onto the installer
> image. So, all arguments you have here are also valid for the default
> tasks. If we think this is wrong, we should get a completely different
> solution here -- which is IMO outside of the scope of this bug.

Well, two wrongs don't make one right.

An obvious solution seemed to me, to make tasksel(-*) depend on
blends-tasks. This why, the package would be marked as auto-installed,
and should you later decide to implement that differently, say directly
in tasksel, then tasksel can simply drop that dependency.
I assume though you have considered this obvious solution and decided
against it for some reason?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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