Package: installation-reports
Boot method: CD Image version: debian-31r1a-sparc-netinst.iso Date: Jan 13, 2006
Machine: SUN BLADE150 Processor: SUN4U, ULTRA SPARC-IIi Memory: 256MB Partitions: We made a new partition table and it did well. Output of console: Fast Data Access MMU Miss
Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot worked: [O] Configure network HW: [O ] Config network: [O ] Detect CD: [O ] Load installer modules: [O ] Detect hard drives: [O ] Partition hard drives: [ O] Create file systems: [O ] Mount partitions: [O ] Install base system: [O ] Install boot loader: [O ] Reboot: [E ] Comments/Problems: Using the same image and same kernel
config file we succeeded booting another SUN machines, SUN E250 and ULTRA5 which
machine uses sun4u, ultrasparc-II cpu also.
Warm regards, Nobel |
- Bug#348936: Boot error, MMU Miss on SPARC 정기용
- Bug#348936: Boot error, MMU Miss on SPARC Geert Stappers