On 05/20/2016 09:29 AM, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de> (2016-04-02):
>> Control: tags -1 + confirmed pending
>> Thanks for the notification about the glibc change!
>> On 03/31/2016 09:23 PM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
>>> As of glibc 2.22-5, libnss-files-udeb has been merged into libc-udeb. 
>>> Therefore the dependency in open-iscsi-udeb could now be dropped.
>> Fixed in git:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-iscsi/open-iscsi.git/commit/?id=2f35aeb0b6ab8da185450ddaad285051cc081176
>> Ritesh and I don't have any immediate plans for a next upload, so I
>> don't know when this will hit the archive, but there will definitely
>> be more updates before Stretch is released. If there are unforeseen
>> problems with the glibc change that would require an earlier upload
>> of the package with just the dropped dependency, please increase the
>> severity of this bug report to at least important and I'll upload
>> sooner.
> Steve approached me to see if I could lift the block-udeb on the glibc
> since he was interested in getting its arm64 fix migrate to testing.
> Given src:glibc drops libnss-files-udeb, and given your package hasn't
> been updated yet, src:glibc will not be able to migrate to testing for a
> while.
> I suppose it would be nice if you could update your package right away.

I've uploaded the package to unstable right now, with some other
trivial changes (Standards-Version, new debconf translation.) I
set urgency=medium, because it's the right urgency for these
changes, but feel free to age it once the autobuilders are done
with it if you want to have glibc migrate earlier, because the
changes to open-iscsi are completely trivial.


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