
Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de> (2016-04-02):
> Control: tags -1 + confirmed pending
> Thanks for the notification about the glibc change!
> On 03/31/2016 09:23 PM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> > As of glibc 2.22-5, libnss-files-udeb has been merged into libc-udeb. 
> > Therefore the dependency in open-iscsi-udeb could now be dropped.
> Fixed in git:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-iscsi/open-iscsi.git/commit/?id=2f35aeb0b6ab8da185450ddaad285051cc081176
> Ritesh and I don't have any immediate plans for a next upload, so I
> don't know when this will hit the archive, but there will definitely
> be more updates before Stretch is released. If there are unforeseen
> problems with the glibc change that would require an earlier upload
> of the package with just the dropped dependency, please increase the
> severity of this bug report to at least important and I'll upload
> sooner.

Steve approached me to see if I could lift the block-udeb on the glibc
since he was interested in getting its arm64 fix migrate to testing.

Given src:glibc drops libnss-files-udeb, and given your package hasn't
been updated yet, src:glibc will not be able to migrate to testing for a

I suppose it would be nice if you could update your package right away.

(The current block-udeb should be lifted in a few hours; the other
reverse-depends was espeakup-udeb, fixed last night, migrated minutes


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