On Wed, 2015-12-09 at 19:27 +0000, Jo Shields wrote: > opentk is suffering from some archive cruft issues, I think - > https://packages.debian.org/sid/libopentk1.1-cil seems fine to me, but > the old ABI https://packages.debian.org/sid/libopentk1.0-cil package is > still showing up in a few places. I was leaving it a day or two to see > if some cron job fixed it up.
The cruft report says: * package libopentk1.0-cil in version 1.0.20101006+dfsg1-1 is no longer built from source - suggested command: dak rm -m "[auto-cruft] no longer built from source" -s unstable -a all -p -R -b libopentk1.0-cil - broken Depends: monogame: libmonogame-cil So either monogame needs to be updated (or removed from unstable) or ftp-master need to be asked for a manual decruft which explicitly breaks monogame. Regards, Adam