On 11/14/2015 08:47 AM, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 08:34:47AM -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> On 11/14/2015 06:39 AM, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
>>> Source: polygraph
>>> Version: 4.3.2-1.2
>>> Severity: serious
>>> Control: block 797926 by -1
>>> I suggest you remove all of that and only use SSLv23_method().
>>> All the other are version specific methods, only SSLv23_* speaks
>>> multiple versions.
>> Removal of other methods is not a good idea because users need to
>> control which methods are used (including the ones unsupported by the
>> latest OpenSSL). We will provide a different fix.
> The other methods will go away in the future because people misuse
> them.  You really should only use the SSLv23_* methods.
> Your users don't have a need to support a specific method that
> only supports a given protocol.  What they might need is to be
> able to limit the supported versions.  As I said you should use
> SSL_set_options() for that.

You might be thinking of some general-use program. Web Polygraph is a
test tool. Testers often have unusual needs, including the need to test
with a method that only supports a given [deprecated] protocol.

If we can provide a small better fix, we will. If a better fix requires
too many unrelated changes to this Polygraph version, we will provide a
patch that disables SSLv3 (until a recent Polygraph version with a
comprehensive fix is released).

Thank you,


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