Source: polygraph Version: 4.3.2-1.2 Severity: serious Control: block 797926 by -1
Hi, The SSLv3 method has been disabled in openssl and as a result your package no longer build. The code looks like this: switch(protocol) { case SSLv2: #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 theCtx = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv2_method()); #endif break; case TLSv1: theCtx = ::SSL_CTX_new(::TLSv1_method()); break; case SSLv3: theCtx = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv3_method()); break; case SSLv23: theCtx = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv23_method()); break; default: theCtx = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv23_method()); Should(false); } I suggest you remove all of that and only use SSLv23_method(). All the other are version specific methods, only SSLv23_* speaks multiple versions. If you want to support selection of versions, I suggest you use SSL_(CTX)_set_options with something like SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3. Kurt