control: retitle -1 implement custom hooks in /etc/game-data-packager/hooks/

I guess the dpkg hook running as root send some dbus message
to kde running as $user to tell it to refresh it's cache.

> Please reassign this to whatever part of KDE maintains the menu cache.

Maybe this is spooled and users just have to wait up to
1 minute or so that it comes up (so "not a bug").
KDE is already full of bug reports, I don't want to nag them with this.

Here is a more general proposal:

Implement support for /etc/game-data-packager/hooks/,
that would be shipped empty in the .deb
(or with a .placeholder like cron ?).

The executable program there would then be executed
for each generated .deb, with the .deb fullpath given as $1.

- symlink lintian there
- kbuildsycoca4 for the ones too lazy to try to fix their broken DE
  (well then if 3 packages are generated, the cache is checked 3 times :-| )
- reprepro script
- custom script that calls debdiff against last known good version
- whatever users come up with



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