On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 03:09:49PM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Hello Josh Triplett (and #753779)!
> I've just spent a few minutes revisiting the idea of shipping mountpoint
> in util-linux. I'll do my best to make that happen as soon as Stretch
> development cycle opens up.


> I'm guessing your interest in this is that you might want to purge the
> "initscripts" package?

Yes, exactly.  In particular, mountpoint seems to be the main thing that
makes initscripts pseudo-essential.

> I've looked a bit at right now and that seems a
> bit more problematic. The reason packages depends on initscripts is not
> only mountpoint, but also because of LSB init script header
> dependencies.
> See for example https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=581420
> which talks about this for the hwclock.sh init.d script shipped in
> util-linux. There are also several other packages shipping an init
> script with LSB header depending on init scripts from "initscripts".
> (systemd itself might be able to drop its initscripts dependency, but
> other packages in the base system will still pull in initscripts for
> you. c.f. procps, etc.)
> At first I had the idea that, ok maybe all packages can just change
> to depend on 'initscripts | systemd-sysv'. Unfortunately that can
> break the case where you have systemd-sysv installed but
> boot with "init=/lib/sysvinit/init" on the command line (and not
> have initscripts installed).

I think that could be fixed simply by moving the initscripts dependency
from sysvinit-core to sysvinit.  If you have sysvinit installed, and you
want it to be a functional init, you need initscripts (and potentially
other dependencies that currently only appear on sysvinit-core).  And if
you *don't* have sysvinit installed, just systemd (and systemd-sysv),
then systemd just needs to provide all the necessary LSB-required init
script names itself, which in the future it can do without depending on

At that point, I think a package that provides an init script could then
stop depending on initscripts (unless it needs a versioned dependency),
and only depend on a functional init (which is essential, so it doesn't
need Depends).  (For the duration of stretch, such packages would also
potentially need a versioned Breaks or similar on versions of sysvinit
that didn't have the initscripts dependency.)

> While I'm interested in having a "legacy-free system" (no sysvinit parts
> lingering) I think accomplishing that might be hard to implement in a
> way thats acceptable for Debian or atleast too much trouble for what
> it's worth. If you're interested in coming up with a solution for this
> that would be very welcome!

I think the above proposal of making sysvinit depend on initscripts
should solve that problem.

I filed a bug on sysvinit to that effect.

> PS. I'll be closing this bug as soon as /bin/mountpoint is shipped
> by util-linux. Feel free to file a separate bug about initscripts
> dependency if you're interested, but please include a way to actually
> solve getting rid of the dependency if you do file it.

Absolutely; this bug is *only* about moving mountpoint to util-linux.

- Josh Triplett

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